Chip 1996 November
Chip 11-96.iso
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* Installation script for the Datapath ORION Driver Software.
@Name = "Datapath ORION Driver Software"
@Version = "1.07"
@Subdir = "\\"
@OutDrive = C
@Drive @OrionDrive = @OutDrive
@Dir @Orion = "\\ORION\\"
@Drive @WDrive = @OutDrive
@Dir @Windows = "\\WINDOWS\\"
@Dir @MDLApps = "\\Ustation\\mdlapps\\"
Orion Driver software
Install Disk
Version @Version
This program will install software to help you set up your ORION.
It will also optionally install an accelerated, high resolution device
driver for an application, such as AutoCAD or Windows. These drivers
exploit the power of the ORION's graphics accelerator to run
the applications faster. The installation may be run again to add
accelerated, high resolution device drivers for more applications.
Please note that the ORION is 100% VGA and VESA compatible,
No special drivers are required to run applications using VGA or VESA.
This program will ask you a number of questions.
Each question has a default answer.
If the default answer is correct, press the ENTER key.
Otherwise, type the answer and then press the ENTER key.
If you make a mistake while typing, press the BACKSPACE key
and then retype the answer.
You may press the [Esc] key at any time to abort the installation.
Note, that if you abort the installation part way through, the whole
installation should be repeated. This is because the selected files
are not copied until the end of the installation.
Please indicate which type of Orion boards you have:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the base address required and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 21 = "ISA Orions"
@Option 22 = "VL Orions"
@Option 23 = "Intergraph Technical Desktop with an Orion"
@If (21 [= @Option) @Qstring @Switcher = "Orions"
@ElseIf (22 [= @Option) @Qstring @Switcher = "Orions"
@ElseIf (23 [= @Option) @Qstring @Switcher = "TD"
Do you wish to install the ORION setup and utility programs now?
If this is a first time installation, you should answer Yes.
This installs the initialization programs and allows you to
configure optimally the ORION to your monitor.
If you answer No, the ORION will run with a default setup.
Use the [Up Arrow] & [Down Arrow] keys to move the bar
to the required response and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 600 = "Yes"
@Option 601 = "No"
@If (600 [= @Option) /* ( */
@GetOutDrive @OrionDrive
@Suppress A
@Suppress B
On which disk drive do you wish to install the ORION setup
and utility programs:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the disk drive required and then press the [Enter] key.
@GetSubdir @Orion
Now you need to specify the destination directory. The
directory is the location on your disk where the ORION
setup and utility programs will be installed:
@PROMPT = " Which directory ? "
@Endif /* 600 ie installing initialization programs ) */
@Drive @OriWin31Drive = @OrionDrive
Please select the device driver you wish to install:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the device driver required and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 1 =
"Protected Mode AutoCAD/AutoShade 2/3D-STUDIO Display ADI 4.2, V1.7"
@Option 2 =
"Real Mode AutoCAD 11/AutoShade 2/3D-STUDIO Display ADI 4.1, V1.02"
@Option 3 = "Cadkey v5, V1.5"
@Option 4 = "Cadvance v3.51, V1.5"
@Option 5 = "DataCAD v4.06, V1.5"
@Option 7 = "Generic CADD v6, V1.6"
@Option 8 = "Lotus 1-2-3 V2.3, V1.5"
@Option 9 = "MicroStation V1.09"
@Option 10 = "MS Windows 3.1, V2.41"
@Option 11 = "MS Word 5.0, V1.5"
@Option 12 = "VersaCAD 386 v7.0, V1.5"
@Option 13 = "WordPerfect 5.1, V1.5"
@Option 605 = "NONE"
@If (605 /* no drivers chosen */ [! @Option) /* ( */
@If (2 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "AutoCAD"
@ElseIf (3 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "Cadkey"
@ElseIf (4 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "Cadvance"
@ElseIf (5 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "DataCAD"
@ElseIf (7 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "Generic CADD"
@ElseIf (8 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "Lotus 1-2-3"
@ElseIf (9 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "MicroStation"
@ElseIf (10 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "MS Windows 3.1"
@Dir @OriWin31 = "@Orion\\WIN31\\"
@ElseIf (11 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "MS WORD 5.0"
@ElseIf (12 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "VersaCAD"
@ElseIf (13 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "WORDPERFECT"
@If (10 [= @Option) /* ( */
@GetOutDrive @WDrive
@Suppress A
@Suppress B
On which disk drive is Windows installed:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the disk drive and then press the [Enter] key.
@GetSubdir @Windows
@PROMPT = " In which directory is Windows installed ? "
@GetOutDrive @OriWin31Drive
@Suppress A
@Suppress B
Onto which disk drive should the ORION Windows drivers be copied:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the disk drive required and then press the [Enter] key.
@GetSubdir @OriWin31
Now you need to specify the destination directory. The
directory is the location on your disk where the ORION
Windows 3 device drivers will be installed.
This must not be the directory where Windows has been installed.
REMEMBER this directory - you may need to tell the Windows setup program
when you complete the installation later!
@PROMPT = " Which directory ? "
@Else /* 10 )( */
/* define defaults to avoid errors later */
@Dir @OriWin31 = "c:\\"
@If (12 /* VersaCAD */ [= @Option) /* ( */
Which version of VersaCAD have you:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the version you have and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 800 = "386"
@Option 801 = "7.0"
@Option 801 = "6.0"
@Option 801 = "5.4"
@Option 802 = "5.3"
@ElseIf (9 /* MicroStation */ [= @Option) /* 12 VersaCAD )( */
Which version of MicroStation have you:
For V4.0 and above the Protected Mode driver V1.09 will be installed.
For versions earlier than V4.0 the Real Mode driver V1.25 will be
The BirdsEye view MDL utility is also copied to your
MicroStation MDL applications directory.
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the version you have and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 818 = "4.0 or later"
@Option 819 = "3.3 or earlier"
@ElseIf (1 /* PM ADI 4.2 */ [= @Option) /* 9 MicroStation )( */
Which application do you wish to use the driver with:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the version you have and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 810 = "AutoCAD Release 12"
@Option 811 = "AutoCAD Release 11"
@Option 811 = "AutoCAD Release 10/386"
@Option 812 = "AutoShade 2"
@Option 813 = "3D-STUDIO"
@If (810 [= @Option || 811 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "AutoCAD"
@ElseIf (812 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "AutoShade"
@ElseIf (813 [= @Option)
@Qstring @Application = "3D-STUDIO"
@Endif /* 1 PM ADI 4.2 ) */
@Suppress A
@Suppress B
On which disk drive do you wish to install the device driver:
This MUST be the same disk drive as the one on which
@Application has been or will be installed.
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the disk drive required and then press the [Enter] key.
@If (2 [= @Option || 811 [= @Option)
/* AutoCAD 11 */
@Default = "\\ACAD\\"
@ElseIf (810 [= @Option)
@Default = "\\ACAD\\DRV\\"
@ElseIf (812 [= @Option)
@Default = "\\SHADE\\"
@ElseIf (813 [= @Option)
@Default = "\\3DS\\"
@ElseIf (3 /* Cadkey */ [= @Option)
@Default = "\\CADKEY\\"
@ElseIf (4 /* Cadvance */ [= @Option)
@Default = "\\CAD\\"
@ElseIf (5 /* DataCAD */ [= @Option)
@Default = "\\MTEC\\DRV\\"
@ElseIf (8 /* Lotus 1-2-3 */ [= @Option)
@Default = "\\123\\"
@ElseIf (9 /* MicroStation */ [= @Option)
@Default = "\\USTATION\\DRIVERS\\"
@ElseIf (11 /* Microsoft Word */ [= @Option)
@Default = "\\WORD\\"
@ElseIf (13 /* WordPerfect */ [= @Option)
@Default = "\\WP51\\"
@ElseIf (800 /* VersaCAD 386 */ [= @Option)
@Default = "\\VCAD386\\"
@ElseIf (801 /* VersaCAD 5.4, 6.0, 7.0 */ [= @Option)
@Default = "\\VCAD54\\"
@ElseIf (802 /* VersaCAD 5.3 */ [= @Option)
@Default = "\\VCAD53\\"
Now you need to specify the destination directory. The
directory is the location on your disk where the device
driver will be installed. This MUST be the same directory
where @Application has been or will be installed.
@PROMPT = " Which directory ? "
@If (9 /* MicroStation */ [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @MDLApps
Now you need to specify the directory where you want
your MicroStation MDL utility to be installed.
@PROMPT = " Which MDL directory? "
@Endif /* ) */
@If ("\\@Subdir" == "\\") /* ( */
/* do nothing */
@ElseIf (@Exists "@OutDrive:\\@Subdir") /* )( */
/* do nothing */
@Else /* )( */
The directory @Subdir doesn't exist on disk drive @OutDrive.
Shall I create it?
If you answer Yes, the directory will be created & the necessary
files copied into it. Note however, that if the application has
not yet been installed, doing so may overwrite this directory. If
you are not sure answer No.
Answering No will abort the installation.
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the required response and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 620 = "Yes"
@Option 621 = "No"
@If (621 [= @Option)
Aborting the installation as requested.
No files have been copied and your selections have been discarded.
Remember to re-commence the installation when you've installed your
@Endif /* ) */
@Endif /* 10 ) */
Do you wish to view the DOC file for the driver you have just installed?
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the required response and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 622 = "Yes"
@Option 623 = "No"
@Else /* 605 no drivers chosen )( */
/* define defaults to avoid errors later */
@Dir @OriWin31 = "c:\\"
@Endif /* 605 no drivers chosen ) */
@If (3 /* CADKEY */ [= @Option) /* ( */
@Copy("@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\grdev.dat", "@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\grdev.bak")
@ElseIf (5 /* DataCAD */ [= @Option) /* )( */
"@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\drivers.gd2", "@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\drivers2.bak"
"@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\drivers.gd4", "@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\drivers4.bak"
@Endif /* 5 ) */
@Label = "Disk 1 of 1"
@If (600 [= @Option) /* install initialization programs ( */
@File *.* @Out @OrionDrive:\\@Orion\\*.*
@Endif /* 600 ie install initialization programs ) */
@If (9 [= @Option)
@If (819 [= @Option) /* ( */
@File *.*
@Else /* 819 )( */
@File *.*
@Endif /* 819 ) */
@File *.* @Out @OutDrive:\\@MDLApps\\*.*
@If (1 [= @Option)
@BeginLib PADI42.KDC
@File *.*
@If (2 [= @Option) /* ( */
@BeginLib RADI41.KDC
@File *.*
@Endif /* 2 ) */
@If (3 /* CADKEY */ [= @Option) /* ( */
@File grdev.dat @AppendTo @OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\grdev.dat
@File ck_911.exe
@File orion.doc
@Endif /* 3 ) */
@If (5 /* DataCAD */ [= @Option) /* ( */
@File drivers.gd2 @AppendTo @OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\drivers.gd2
@File drivers.gd4 @AppendTo @OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\drivers.gd4
@File ck_911.exe
@File dl_911.exe
@File orion.doc
@Endif /* 5 ) */
@If (4 [= @Option) /* ( */
@File *.*
@Endif /* 4 ) */
@If (7 [= @Option) /* ( */
@File *.*
@Endif /* 7 ) */
@If (8 [= @Option) /* ( */
@File *.*
@Endif /* 8 ) */
@If (12 [= @Option) /* ( */
@If (800 /* VersaCAD 386 */ [= @Option)
@File vcad386.cfg
@File vc3_911.com
@ElseIf (801 /* VersaCAD 5.4, 6.0, 7.0 */ [= @Option)
@File vcad54.cfg
@File vc2_911.com
@ElseIf (802 /* VersaCAD 5.3 */ [= @Option)
@File vcad53.cfg @Out enviro.cfg
@File vc2_911.com
@File remove.exe
@File orion.doc
@Endif /* 12 ) */
@If (10 [= @Option) /* ( */
@File *.* @Out @OriWin31Drive:\\@OriWin31\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @OriWin31Drive:\\@OriWin31\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @WDrive:\\@Windows\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @OriWin31Drive:\\@OriWin31\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @WDrive:\\@Windows\\system\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @OriWin31Drive:\\@OriWin31\\*.*
@Endif /* 10 ) */
@If (11 [= @Option) /* ( */
@File *.*
@Endif /* 11 ) */
@If (13 [= @Option) /* ( */
@File *.*
@Endif /* 13 ) */
@If ("@Switcher" != "TD") /* ( do not use if intergraph stuff */
@If (600 [= @Option) /* ( */
@Path "@OrionDrive:\\@Orion"
@Verbatim "@OrionDrive:\\@Orion\\OriInit"
@Endif /* 600 ie installing initialization programs ) */
@If (811 [= @Option /* AutoCAD Release 11 */)
@SetReplace("DSPADI", "@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\RCPATC.EXP")
@ElseIf (812 [= @Option /* AutoShade 2 */)
@SetReplace("RDPADI", "@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\RCPATC.EXP")
@SetReplace("DSPADI", "@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\RCPATC.EXP")
@ElseIf (813 [= @Option /* 3D-STUDIO */)
@SetReplace("RDPADI", "@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\RCPATC.EXP")
@SetReplace("RCPADI", "@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\RCPATC.EXP")
@ElseIf (2 [= @Option)
@Verbatim "@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\MAGIADI"
@ElseIf (800 /* VersaCAD 386 */ [= @Option)
@SetReplace("HOOPS_PICTURE", "dynamic/msgraph/vga16-6")
@SetReplace("HOOPS_DRIVER_OPTIONS", "no double-buffering,new hidden surface")
@Verbatim "@OutDrive:"
@Verbatim "cd \\@Subdir"
@Verbatim "VC3_911"
@Verbatim "VRUN \\@Subdir"
@Verbatim "cd \\"
@ElseIf (801 /* VersaCAD 5.4, 6.0, 7.0 */ [= @Option)
@Verbatim "@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\VC2_911"
@ElseIf (802 /* VersaCAD 5.3 */ [= @Option)
@Verbatim "@OutDrive:\\@Subdir\\VC2_911"
@Endif /* ) Don't update autoexec if intergraph stuff */
@ChDrive @OutDrive
@ChDir "@Subdir"
@If (2 [= @Option) /* ( */
/* don't know if needed yet
@If (@EMMTotal == 0)
The ORION real mode ADI driver requires LIM EMS (expanded memory)
for its Display List so that it can provide its enhanced features such
as fast zooms & pans, the Birds Eye View, double buffering,
ViewCACHEing etc.
To get the use of these enhanced features and hence the best out
of the driver you must get some EMS for your computer system.
@ElseIf (@EMMAvail == 0)
The ORION real mode ADI driver requires LIM EMS (expanded memory)
for its Display List so that it can provide its enhanced features such
as fast zooms & pans, the Birds Eye View, double buffering,
ViewCACHEing etc.
Your computer system has no LIM EMS (expanded memory) available.
Without some more EMS being obtained for your computer system you
will not get the use of these enhanced features and hence the not
best out of the driver.
@ElseIf (5 [= @Option) /* )( */
@If (@EMMTotal == 0)
The ORION DataCAD Display List driver requires LIM EMS
(expanded memory) to store its Display List in, so that it can
provide its enhanced features such as fast zooms & pans.
To enable you to use this driver you must get some EMS for your
computer system.
@ElseIf (@EMMAvail == 0)
The ORION DataCAD Display List driver requires LIM EMS
(expanded memory) to store its Display List in, so that it can
provide its enhanced features such as fast zooms & pans.
Your computer system has no LIM EMS (expanded memory) available.
Without some more EMS being obtained for your computer system you
will not be able to use this driver.
@ElseIf (14 [= @Option) /* )( */
@If (@EMMTotal == 0)
The ORION VersaCAD driver requires LIM EMS (expanded memory)
for its Display List so that it can provide its enhanced features such
as fast zooms & pans.
To get the use of these enhanced features and hence the best out
of the driver you must get some EMS for your computer system.
@ElseIf (@EMMAvail == 0)
The ORION VersaCAD driver requires LIM EMS (expanded memory)
for its Display List so that it can provide its enhanced features such
as fast zooms & pans.
Your computer system has no LIM EMS (expanded memory) available.
Without some more EMS being obtained for your computer system you
will not get the use of these enhanced features and hence the not
best out of the driver.
@ElseIf (10 [= @Option) /* )( */
@ChDrive @WDrive
@ChDir "@Windows"
@Spawn("@InDrive:winwall orion.bmp")
/* add a [display] section to system.ini if it does not exist! */
@Copy("@OriWin31Drive:\\@OriWin31\\orion.bmp", "orion.bmp")
@Spawn("@InDrive:mkgroupf orion.grp \"Datapath Orion\" OrionMode @OriWin31Drive:\\@OriWin31\\ORIONMOD.EXE")
@Spawn("@InDrive:addgroup @WDrive:\\@Windows\\ORION.GRP")
@ChDrive @OriWin31Drive
@ChDir "@OriWin31"
/* create 1sttime.bat to complete installation */
@Write("1sttime.bat", "wt", "@WDrive:\n")
@Write("1sttime.bat", "at", "cd @Windows\n")
@Write("1sttime.bat", "at", "setup\n")
@Write("1sttime.bat", "at", "cd \\\n")
/* Build oemsetup.inf to match BIOS on installed Orion */
@ChDrive @OriWin31Drive
@ChDir "@OriWin31"
@If ("@Switcher" != "TD")
/* copy oemsetup.inf into Windows System ... */
@ChDrive @WDrive
@ChDir "@Windows\\system"
@Spawn("@InDrive:newoem Orion @OriWin31Drive:\\@OriWin31\\oemsetup.inf")
@ChDrive @OriWin31Drive
@ChDir "@OriWin31"
@Endif /* 10 ) */
@If (622 /* view DOC file */ [= @Option)
The next screen shows the ORION.DOC file for @Application.
Use the [Up], [Down], [PageUp], [PageDown] keys to read the file,
and press [Esc] to finish.
@Spawn("@InDrive:browse orion.doc")
@ChDrive @OrionDrive
@ChDir "\\"
@If ("@Switcher" != "TD") /* Do not run oriscan if intergraph stuff */
@If (600 [= @Option || 605 [! @Option)
@ChDrive @OrionDrive
@ChDir "@Orion"
@ChDir "\\"
@If (10 [= @Option) /* ( */
@ChDrive @OriWin31Drive
@ChDir "@OriWin31"
IMPORTANT! In order for Windows to function correctly you must install
the new drivers with Windows setup. This is essential even if you have
already installed an earlier version of the Orion Windows driver.
In Windows setup select the Display: line and then choose an Orion
display from the menu.
If prompted for a driver disk, enter the path of the Orion directory.
(Orion directory = @OriWin31Drive:@OriWin31)
Windows setup will be run next. The installation will then be complete.
Note: For the latest changes to the manual check the file
@Execute "COMMAND.COM", "/E:1536 /C 1STTIME"
@Endif /* 10 ) */
You have now completed the software installation.
Please remove the floppy disk and store it in a safe place.
If you have not yet fitted the ORION into your computer,
switch off and do so.
Please now re-boot your computer.
Thank you for purchasing the DATAPATH ORION.
/* setup utilities || no drivers chosen ) */